Writing and Using Nix Modules

Anthony Oleinik

Look at the following documentation page. It is beautiful. Hundreds of options all well-documented and explained, with examples, defaults, and source code locations.

This is the beauty of the nix module system. Projects define a module system; then, anyone can write a module for that system and plug right in - first or third party. It’s a recipe for large-scale and maintainable systems. For instance, the wonderful nix-index-database defines a home-manager module. We can plug it into our dotfiles and use it!

Projects often define their own module system, like we just saw with home-manager. Another popular project that allows us to define modules is flake parts, a library that splits your flake up into multiple, smaller parts - and gives you more control into the components that you “plug in” to your flake.nix.

What is a module, and how do we use it?

A module plugs into a module system to expose a new set of features. In the following example, we’ll use the treefmt-nix module and plug it into a flake-parts module system to expose some formatting features.

Perhaps I have a big project that’s written in terraform - terraform format works for me for the most part, but now I want to lint my markdown files as well. I could stuff my flake.nix with tree-fmt:

  inputs.treefmt-nix.url = "github:numtide/treefmt-nix";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, systems, treefmt-nix }:
      eachSystem = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs (import systems) (system: f nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system});
      treefmt = eachSystem (pkgs: {
        projectRootFile = "flake.nix";

        programs.terraform.enable = true;
        programs.markdown.enable = true;
      formatter = eachSystem (pkgs: treefmt.${pkgs.system}.config.build.wrapper);
      checks = eachSystem (pkgs: {
        formatting = treefmtEval.${pkgs.system}.config.build.check self;

This works well, but after a flake gets large it begins to get really, really messy - and besides importing files, there’s no “vanilla” way of splitting this up.

Instead, we can do the following:

  inputs = {
    flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
    treefmt-nix.url = "github:numtide/treefmt-nix";

  outputs = inputs:
    inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
      systems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
      imports = [

most “module consumers” will specify an imports attribute, which allow you to load in different modules. In this example, we load in the treefmt-nix module - this tells flake-parts that we want to expose the features of treefmt-nix. That is, treefmt-nix.flakeModule is a template of sorts and lets us configure it.

and then, in ./modules/treefmt.nix:

{ inputs, ... }:
    perSystem = {}: {
        treefmt = {
            programs.terraform.enable = true;
            programs.markdown.enable = true;

So the treefmt-nix.flakeModule exposed a treefmt.programs.terraform.enable option, and we configured it in this module.

What a useful abstraction! we can now put as much treefmt specific stuff in that file without worrying that we will get stuff tangled.

Typically, projects will expose some sort of module-system plugin; whether it be a hm-module, a flake-module, or a nixos-module, modules tend to be a very easy way to consume external nix code.

Writing a Module

So what does it take to produce a nix flake module? Remember: everything in nix boils down to attribute sets - so a module is an attribute set that conforms to a specific format.

In this example, we will write a flake-parts module - the modules for all module systems consume the same-ish API, so if you’re after a tutorial for writing e.g. a nixOS module, this is pretty much the same thing.

Lets get some details: at the end of the day, we need to expose something to the user - for example, in nixOS, we can e.g. write a module that exposes a nice API for configuring a systemd service. The module provider will give you the tools to do things, and your module is an API around it.

Lets say we want to have a nice API for some package we are creating - we want to configure it in a flake-parts-y way. First, we need to have some way for the user to consume our module. The easiest way is to write a flake and publish it on github - or something like flakehub, a kind of registry for flake modules.

Lets write a package that takes a string and a number, and then outputs it to stdout that number times. We want the user, the consumer of the flake, to say something like:

    string = "some string";
    times = 3;

and then when we execute the binary for our derivation, we echo <some stringsome stringsome string> to stdout! Very useful, I know.

lets start by writing that flake we mentioned earlier:

  description = "String repeater";
  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";

  outputs = {
  }: let
    systems = [

    forAllSystems = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs systems (system: f nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system});
  in {
    flakeModule = import ./module.nix;

ta-da! now, if we run nix flake show, we see something like:

󰘧 nix flake show .#
└───flakeModule: unknown

lets create that ./module.nix file now.

{ lib, flake-parts-lib, ... }: {
  options = {
    perSystem = flake-parts-lib.mkPerSystemOption
      ({ system, pkgs, ... }: { options = { }; });

flake-parts exposes a nice flake-parts-lib library with useful features like mkPerSystemOption. If you’re unfamiliar with flake parts, per-system is the way that flake-parts nicely abstracts around having to specify system everywhere. It automatically applies the system parameter to these options, meaning any system we define in flake.nix is useable.

Lets define our options. First, we want to be nice to our neighbors and tuck away this option set into a nested one; that way the user isn’t setting repeat = 3 on the global scope, which means literally nothing to most readers; we want them to have to set string-repeater.repeat = 3.

{ lib, flake-parts-lib, ... }: {
  options = {
    perSystem = flake-parts-lib.mkPerSystemOption ({ system, pkgs, ... }: {
      options = {
        string-repeater = lib.mkOption {
            type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
          modules = [
            ({ config, ... }: {
              options = with lib; {};

what does that say? We defined a sub-module called string-repeater. the type of the submodule is… well, a submodule! Either we define some primitive, or a submodule: any “nested attribute” is a submodule. We do this because we want to logically group together options; you may go as deep as you’d like with submodules; my.sub.module.that.you.plug.in.enable = true is perfectly valid, given you define submodule types all the way down. It’s polite to namespace options; if we just had a top-level repeat option, that would be very rude. Instead, we want to define string-repeater.repeat.

Lets first add the repeat and times part that we talked about:

{ lib, flake-parts-lib, ... }: {
  options = {
    perSystem = flake-parts-lib.mkPerSystemOption ({ system, pkgs, ... }: {
      options = {
        string-repeater = lib.mkOption {
            type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
          modules = [
            ({ config, ... }: {
              options = with lib; {                
                string = mkOption {
                  type = types.str;
                  description = mdDoc "The string to repeat";

                  example = "hello world!";

                times = mkOption {
                  type = types.int;
                  default = 1;
                  description = mdDoc "number of times to repeat the string";

And we have the options defined! We can now use them to create the package that we need. Notice how the structure of this module is pretty similar to what we want? It follows the {string = "hello world!"; times = 5; } pattern.

So how do we use our options? well, at the top level, we configure an options; we can also configure a config; the config can set values on our options. Why would we want to do that? Because we can set a option as output only! This means that the user can read from the option but never set to it, which is exactly what we want.

{ lib, flake-parts-lib, ... }: {
  options = {
    perSystem = flake-parts-lib.mkPerSystemOption ({ system, pkgs, ... }: {
      options = {
        string-repeater = lib.mkOption {
            type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
          modules = [
            ({ config, ... }: {
              options = with lib; {                
                string = mkOption {
                  type = types.str;
                  description = mdDoc "The string to repeat";

                  example = "hello world!";

                times = mkOption {
                  type = types.int;
                  default = 1;
                  description = mdDoc "number of times to repeat the string";

                package = mkOption {
                  type = types.package;
                  description = mdDoc "Final package for string ";
                  readOnly = true;

Now lets use that config block that we talked about:

{ lib, flake-parts-lib, ... }: {
  options = {
    perSystem = flake-parts-lib.mkPerSystemOption ({ system, pkgs, ... }: {
      options = {
        string-repeater = lib.mkOption {
            type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
          modules = [
            ({ config, ... }: {
              options = with lib; {                
                string = mkOption {
                  type = types.str;
                  description = mdDoc "The string to repeat";

                  example = "hello world!";

                times = mkOption {
                  type = types.int;
                  default = 1;
                  description = mdDoc "number of times to repeat the string";

                package = mkOption {
                  type = types.package;
                  description = mdDoc "Final package for string ";
                  readOnly = true;

              config = with lib; {
                package = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "string-repeater" ''
                yes ${config.string} | head -${builtins.toString (config.times)}

Using Our Own Module

Here’s a flake that consumes that packageIt just imports the module like a path instead of going through the flake:

  inputs = {
    flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";

  outputs = inputs:
    inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
      systems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
      imports = [

      perSystem = {
      }: {
        string-repeater = {
            times = 2;
            string = "hello world!";

        devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
           packages = [ config.string-repeater.package ];    

running nix develop .# and then string-repeater yields:

hello world!
hello world!

It worked! We wrote a nix module! Publishing is out of scope, but I’ve seen people use a github action to publish to flakehub. Otherwise, if you push to github, you can use your module in the inputs section, similar to how we’re importing flake-parts above.

I’d suggest flakehub, because you get a nice documentation page, but github is easier - especially for your first flake.